2022-08-25 AI Committee Meeting Minutes


Public Page





Aug 25, 2022


As participants in this meeting, we need to be mindful of the constraints of antitrust laws. There shall be no discussions of agreements or concerted actions that may restrain competition. This prohibition includes the exchange of information concerning individual prices, rates, coverages, market practices, claims settlement practices, or any other competitive aspect of an individual company’s operation. Each participant is obligated to speak up immediately for the purpose of preventing any discussion falling outside these bounds.


  • Antitrust

  • Intro to CIECA

  • Introduction of our Chair(s)

    • CONNEX

  • Introductions of members

  • Discuss Meeting Occurrence

  • Review Committee’s Confluence home page

  • Begin work on the Committee’s Project Plan

    • Problem Statement

    • Scope

    • Milestones

Meeting Minutes

  • Antitrust Accepted

  • Intro to CIECA

  • Introduction of Chairs

    • Raj - Honored to be a Chair of this committee to contribute my experience and knowledge that I have received being founder and CEO of Claim Genius. Looking forward to working with the committee to work through the different aspects of AI in the industry, including adoption and data standardization.

    • Jimmy Spears, Head of Automotive for Tractable an Artificial Intelligence Company headquartered out of London. We do FNOL and Straight through processing of automotive claim and also do automotive inspection. We integrate with estimate platforms. I retired from USAA as Global Head of Automotive Claims over 14 countries. Glad to meet everyone.

  • Introduction of Members

    • Peter Sheehan, Mountaineer Business Technology, in industry for 12 years in different roles in the industry. Primary Independent Software Engineer that works with many CIECA committees to keep a pulse on the industry.

    • Shan Lathem, incoming President of the Automotive Recyclers Association Executive Committee and second generation automotive recycler. Look forward to working with everyone on the AI.

    • Bill Brower, Vice President of Industry Relations for Solera, been in the industry for 35 years with different insurance carriers. Great to be here. AI is the future. I made bold predictions that 80% of auto claims would be handled virtually by 2025. AI will be huge role and my main goal is to power AI to be successful.

    • Phil Martinez, current Chairman of CIECA and Chair several committees and member of several more. Been a member since the beginning and worked Sion the original EMS standards and then the BMS standards and currently working on the API standards. Looking forward to seeing what this committee does and help (without action items).

    • Abhijeet Gulati, head of AI innovation at Mitchell. Extensive experience with wireless, semiconductors and been in this space for 15+ years. We need to collectively solve the AI adoption and responsible AI and AI automation. I will love to contribute the lessons we have learned so far and collaborate with all of you on AI solutions.

    • Gene Lopez, been in the industry for 30 years, started as salesman to repairer to education with ICAR and now back with Seidner Collision Center. Want to provide a repairer point of view and learn from all of you.

    • Ginny Whelan, Senior consultant for 40 years with Automotive Recycler industry. Love to be an educator and more importantly love to learn and feel this new technology will challenge all of us but with all of us together we can be successful.

    • Ed Schneider, Genpact, grew up in claims arena and been in the industry since the 80s, works closely with Raj. Been involved in paper files to AS400 and all the way through the decades and big believer in AI and look forward to getting it to straight through processing.

    • Ken Eagleson, been in the industry almost as long as Bill Brower . Last 2 years I have been with OEC. AI is the future, and I am happy to contribute and be part of the committee.

    • Ross Whiteley, Sun Collision with Snap-On, the 80s theme is good. Just taken over the collision product. Looking forward to doing whatever I can to eliminate the humans from the equation because they are erratic. Looking forward to help anyway I can.

    • Mike Burke, Wurth USA, worked with wholesale distribution the last 25 years. Look forward in participating in this committee to gain knowledge and participate as much as possible.

    • David Willett, Spark Underwriters, Chief Underwriting Officer, been involved in the industry since the 1990’s. 1990 worked for Universal Underwriters to work with the interest of data and to use the data to file and justify processes. Launched the aftermarket program. Work today in my own company and see many sides of the equation. As an insurer always looking to improve the claims process and streamline that, but also having to help shop owners make sure the repair is right and the recycler is providing correct parts. I see two different sides of the industry being part of the automotive industry and the insurance industry.

    • Joel Adcock, Director of Business Development for Precision Diagnostics. Been in the industry for around 12 years been working with programs for claims and worked for shop writing estimates and worked on insurance end and seen different angles of the industry. Currently working on vehicle diagnostics and new technology and looking forward to collaborating with everyone.

    • Mark Fincher, CCC, the Rookie on the call only being in the industry for 27 years. I like seeing all the experience on the call and see a lot of people I know and participate in this committee. CCC is making an investment in AI and customers are seeing the benefits of the deployment of AI. Looking forward to sharing ideas and working with everyone.

    • Patrick Schultz, Senior Directory of Claims with Sentry. Have not been in the industry as long as Bill Brower but worked with him many moons ago. AI is the future of Auto Claims and looking forward to the advisory this group is going to do and being part of it and getting to know each of you better.

    • Michael Ortega, Senior Director at IAA on the salvage side of the business and have been working with AI for a few years now. Have worked with CIECA on a few committees in the past and looking for ways we can collaborate.

    • Paul El Zoghbi, Product Market Manager with CCC. I work with Mark Fincher and work with our clints to implement different workflow solutions and that includes AI.

    • Kathryne Buckley, Director of Industry Relations with Automotive Services Association looking forward to finding out more about AI.

  • Meeting Occurrence

    • We had a great 80s theme going for a while and it is great to see all of the areas of the industry from underwriting to Salvage Auctions and everything in-between. AI is going to touch every aspect of the automotive business and every use case is different but at the same time needs common elements between all these vertices. A lot of participation is going to be required to meet the goals we establish. We need input of what you and your industry segments are looking for your particular use case and what are your goals. When the goals are identified, we can put a framework and standardization around it. Hopefully we find a common element in the data. The most important aspect is the data because until the data quality is there, the AI will not perform to the level of expectations. The industry is projecting that by 2030 all claims will go through AI.

    • Monthly Meeting to define the definition committee and the parameters to see where we want to integrate and execute the workflow. Everybody’s idea to have AI and machine learning computer vision to help us with straight through processing from FNOL, aquation of parts and all the way through to auctions for non-repairable vehicles.

    • Meet last Thursday of the month around the same (West Coast Lunch hour).

  • Review Committee Home Page

    • Antitrust

    • Membership

    • Project Plan

    • Meet the Team

  • Review Business Plan

    • Status

    • Important Dates

    • Background

    • Impacted/Interested Industry Segments

    • Problem Statement

    • Scope

  • Brainstorm to identify Problem Statement and Scope of the Project.

    • Concerns about the data

      • Data acquisition standards has to be set

      • Data quality has to be set

      • Expectations of the AI has to be set

    • Challenges we may run across

      • Adoption of technology

      • Integration of technology

    • Industry segments

      • Insurers have standard way of interacting with the different AI companies and vendors creating inhouse AI

    • Prioritization

      • Data acquisition comes first in the timeline

      • Data Standardization

      • Data Confidentiality

      • Accuracy comes later

    • Examples where these standards will be different data

      • Estimate combines with photos

      • Photo and video standardization in CIECA BMS messages today.

        • There may be some standards that we can reuse from the current BMS, however, AI goes beyond the photo and video.

        • Imaging standardization the data coming in at different resolution, different formats, different numbers. One assignment had over 1200 images. So, if you do not set the standards the output cannot meet exceptions.

        • Video size and 360 view.

        • additional standards for images and video

    • Standardize some messages in the workflow

      • some messages can be reused or portions that can be reused

      • hope to use API messages for new messages

      • photos and resolution problems

      • responses to those messages with acceptance, errors and warnings.

      • Messages for AI systems

    • First thing to identify is the workflows and the pain points and where CIECA can assist in those issues.

    • Images we have today but they are for human to view and make the decisions of the repair. With AI, we are going to have to have standards that the AI computer vision can look at the image and determine things that we don’t today. How can we use those images such as repair or verses replace or total loss. Once we have these images, how will they be shared? The consumer and everyone in the supply chain will be involved. How can we use data for reuse. How to incorporate video?

    • How do we accelerate commerce.

    • Video accuracy jumps 5% - 8% in AI.

    • Customers are concerned with data security; so, we need a standard for AI companies to handle the data.

    • We have a good brain trust; we need to get the workflows from the industry. Then we can create the categories of the data, video streams, history data, access, security to bring to data warehouse. How do we evaluate and gauge to prioritize.

    • Education and expectations need to be defined. Different businesses will expect different outputs.

    • Define where the scope of this committee begins and ends.

      • Estimates

      • Parts

      • The committee drives the end by identify the pain points and workflows and then prioritize.

      • No firm end, we can always have the updates.

      • We don’t need to draw the line, but we will act as the need of the industry.

Great Meeting Everyone

Up Next

  • Antitrust

  • Meeting minute Review

  • Welcome/Networking

  • Review Project Plan

  • Review topics emailed from the committee

  • Review cieca.com message workflows

Action items

If you have any use cases or goals that you would like to see this committee review, please email paulette@cieca.com so she can create a list to share with everyone.
@Paulette Reed to compile the BMS requirements of sharing photos and videos in the BMS today.
Everyone reviews workflows for your messages on cieca.com to see if the workflows need updates and share with paulette@cieca.com so we can get those topics on next agenda.




  • @Paulette Reed

  • Ross Whiteley

  • Pete Sheehan

  • Chris Chase

  • Stacey Phillips

  • Dave

  • Michael Burke

  • Fred Iantorno

  • Michael Burke

  • William Brower

  • Shan Lathem

  • Edmond Schneider

  • Raj Pofale

  • Abhijeet Gulati

  • Patrick Schultz

  • Ginny Whelan

  • Paul El Zoghbi

  • Russ Sims

  • Joel Adcock

  • Susanna Gotsch

  • Gene Lopez

  • Ken Eagleson

  • Tom Julius

  • Kathryne Buckley

  • Phil Martinez

  • Michael Ortega

  • David Willett

  • Casey Sobota

  • Mark Fincher

  • Paul Barry

  • James Spears




Participants in the meetings are noted for your information.  If you have questions on the committee’s activities, please contact a recent attendee.