2022-09-29 AI Committee Meeting Minutes


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Sep 29, 2022


As participants in this meeting, we need to be mindful of the constraints of antitrust laws. There shall be no discussions of agreements or concerted actions that may restrain competition. This prohibition includes the exchange of information concerning individual prices, rates, coverages, market practices, claims settlement practices, or any other competitive aspect of an individual company’s operation. Each participant is obligated to speak up immediately for the purpose of preventing any discussion falling outside these bounds.


  • Antitrust

  • Meeting minute Review

  • Welcome/Networking

  • Review BMS requirements

  • Review Workflows

Meeting Minutes

  • Antitrust Accepted

  • Meeting Minutes Accepted

  • BMS Requirements for Photos

    • The current BMS, Schemas, Code List and test instances were reviewed before the meeting to determine what standards CIECA may already have.

    • We have a photosTaken aggregate that is under the EventInfo and EstimateEvent aggregates.

      • The information is about the pho taken such as the location the picture was taken, the date and time the picture was taken and who took the pictures.

    • The FileAttachment aggregate is where the JPEG or image is electronically sent in the BMS.

      • FileAttachment supports all documents like the photos, scanned documents, URL, URI Links and its the flexibility to transmit the attachments and either legacy or more modern transport model and included in the flexibility of the base 64 binary and future growth.

    • Code list of AttachmentType which states photo, image or photographs that are in the FileAttachment aggregate.

    • Code list of AttachmentFileType that states if the file is compressed images or non-compressed image file formats. One example of this code list is the JPEG.

    • The FileAttachment aggregate also has a file length to identify the size in bytes of the attachment being embedded when the document was created. If any encoding or security measures are applied during the process of a document creation, specifically including the base 64 encoding.

    • Nothing in the BMS that sets a standard size of an image or specific resolutions or a limit to the number of images.

      • BMS is very flexible with the information sent in the FileAttachment aggregate.

    • Photo estimate services that we have today in the BMS, we have the vehicle damage photo estimate which is part of the BMS Estimate Product/Services and we have scheduling for the next steps of the assignment.

      • In the initial review of the BMS messages, the business functionality impacted by photos is identifying total loss, provide photos for creating an estimate, providing photos from creating initial estimate and subsequent supplements and scheduling the repair facility, appraiser and other appointments.

  • Reviewed CIECA Workflows for Estimate and Assignment

    • It is believed that AI will change the laws and the entire dynamics about person default on the assignment.

    • Jimmy can provide some high-level workflows of AI, but we do want to see if we can identify anything with the current workflows that we need to visit while we are working on this topic.

    • The committee addressed that AI will bring a number of new workflows to the industry.

    • We need to start with the initial pictures being taken and being provided, is that at FNOL or is that 2 after the vehicle is damaged, does the car send a FNOL with images for total loss?

      • Who does the images go to, third party vendor for AI? Insurance App by customer, Insurance by adjuster and possibly even the repair shop.

      • The CIECA workflows need to be updated to show the CIECA messages that are being sent.

      • Another factor we need to look at is the DRP Model and when the Agent follows the DRP path.

      • FNOL of the vehicle is critical because AI will play a role in determining if it is drivable or total loss.

      • Call centers that help people with the FNOL or accident process that are not agents.

      • Other places an estimate may go is the shop or to a rental provider.

      • In the digital FNOL today there are approximately 10 images today

      • FNOL is a legal process where you're saying I am me, I bought a policy. This is the covered of object like the car. This is the thing that happened to it. So you're looking for the peril and now you're saying I am asserting a claim. It starts the legal process of an insurance claim, and that satisfies most of the rules of every state to be able to show that this person is not doing something fraudulent, that they are declaring that them themselves they pay premium of. The FNOL from an insurance perspective. That's what you're really trying to satisfy along with now that you say, I accept your first notice of loss.

      • Example: The decision the AI has assessed it. It's a total loss. So now the decision is let's get you a rental and let's get a tow truck and let's get it over to Copart or IAA, which is the, you know, vendor that the carrier uses. So the all of those are really going to be compressed far forward on that very first FNOL, which was usually sometimes five days away.

      • FNOL has many different starting points, a phone call, an app, the vehicle.

        • three triggers and then it goes to AI, it's telematics, digital and phone, those are like the triggers,

    • The images that are being uploaded need to identify as AI, with the BMS they can upload medical receipts a tow bill a rental aggrement, we need to know what pictures need to go to the AI for estimate.

Great Meeting Everyone

Up Next

  • Antitrust

  • Meeting minute Review

  • Welcome/Networking

  • Review CIECA Workflows and messages

Action items

Update Workflows with CIECA messages in the flow
Comple a list of CIECA messages in the BMS that may be impacted by AI
Reach out to FNOL Committee to invite to the committee.





  • @Paulette Reed

  • James Spears

  • Tom

  • Paul Barry

  • Ken Eagleson

  • Bill Brower

  • Ed Schneider

  • Bryan Williams

  • Stacey Phillips

  • Kimberly Sorlien

  • Vincent Claudio

  • Julianne Skaff Rossman

  • David Wilett

  • Don Porter

  • Naga Deepthi Nandigum

  • Frank Terlep

  • Gene Lopez

  • Greg Jensen

Participants in the meetings are noted for your information.  If you have questions on the committee’s activities, please contact a recent attendee.