2021-04-26 Meeting notes

Public Page

2021-04-26 Meeting notes


Public Page





   CIECA 500 Westover Dr  #11617; Sanford,  NC  27330 


Apr 26, 2021


As participants in this meeting, we need to be mindful of the constraints of antitrust laws. There shall be no discussions of agreements or concerted actions that may restrain competition. This prohibition includes the exchange of information concerning individual prices, rates, coverages, market practices, claims settlement practices, or any other competitive aspect of an individual company’s operation. Each participant is obligated to speak up immediately for the purpose of preventing any discussion falling outside these bounds.


  • Antitrust & Approval of Minutes

  • CIECA Position on Information Privacy

Meeting Minutes

  • The Antitrust statement was read and agreed upon and the minutes were approved.

  • Paul shared the draft position statement in a survey with the Board of Trustees and 13 of the 20 board members responded to the survey. All 13 unanimously agreed with the proposed position statement. The four board comments included, “nice job,” and “very nice job.”

  • The position statement will be added to the CIECA website in a prominent place. There was some discussion as to whether a formal press release should be sent out and it was decided that posting it on the website is sufficient.

  • The committee asked how Paul’s presentation went during CIC. Paul received a great response from CIECA attendees including Aaron Schulenburg from SCRS, Dan Risley and Tom McGarry. Steve and Kim also received positive feedback about the presentation, which focused on what CIECA does and CIECA’s role in information privacy.

  • Now that the position statement has been approved, a decision was made to wrap up the ad hoc committee.

Great meeting! Thank you to everyone who participated on this committee and shared their input.

Up Next

  • Antitrust Agreement and Meeting minutes acceptance

Action items

Lance & Phil to research good generic industry resources for Data Security & Information Privacy




@Paul Barry

@Paulette Reed

@Stacey Phillips

Steve Betley

Kim DeVallance Caron

Mike Marlowe




Participants in the meetings are noted for your information.  If you have questions on the committee’s activities, please contact a recent attendee. Information Privacy Ad-Hoc Committee Home