Public Page

2020-11-13 Meeting Minutes


@jeffcieca (Unlicensed) @Paul Barry @Kim DeVallance Caron @Phil Martinez @Greg Best Jeff Deithrich




  • Q3 Financial Statement Review

  • Membership


Q3 Financials Review

  • Conference: Revenue is down $55,000 due to no conference, however there is an offsetting reduction in General Expenses of $41,000 for a net $4,000 loss.

  • New Membership: $22,500 above budget

  • Renewals: $39,700 below budget but that may change as a couple large companies are in the process of paying.

  • Duplicate Salaries - Transition: Transitions took less time than planned and there was no travel so overall Expenses were $125,265 less than planned.

  • Overall year-to-date we are $48,483 better than budget.




2021 Budget

  • Need a 2021 Budget prepared for approval by the Board

  • Paul to develop Budget recommendation

  • Paul to work with Jeff Dietrich to review how budget was prepared last year.

  • Budget to be reviewed with finance committee in December meeting