2021-1-26 RP&I Meeting Minutes

Public Page


   CIECA 500 Westover Dr  #11617; Sanford,  NC  27330 


Jan 26, 2021


As participants in this meeting, we need to be mindful of the constraints of antitrust laws. There shall be no discussions of agreements or concerted actions that may restrain competition. This prohibition includes the exchange of information concerning individual prices, rates, coverages, market practices, claims settlement practices, or any other competitive aspect of an individual company’s operation. Each participant is obligated to speak up immediately for the purpose of preventing any discussion falling outside these bounds.


  • Antitrust Agreement and Meeting minutes acceptance

  • Code List Sync Initiative Review

  • Emerging Technology (Battery)

    • Glossary

    • Documentation

    • Standards

    • Data Aggregates

Meeting Minutes

  • Antitrust agreed upon

  • Meeting Minutes accepted

  • Code List Sync initiative

    • Reviewed the documentation that was sent out from the CIECA Architecture Committee to announce the Code List changes. A brief history of why the Architecture Committee started the project after they found many missing and out of sync code in the 2020R2 QA.

    • The RP&I Committee feels that Architecture Committee has concerns of why the ROE Code is being deprecated and ask for the definition of deprecated.

      • In an effort to stay backward compatible, CIECA does not delete or remove code list, but deprecates them so they can still be used, but recommended that the industry not use them.

    • The RP&I Committee feels that the Architecture Committee should have brought these concerns of ROE being a trademark to them prior to the 2020R2 QA meeting. As this code list was added prior to Paulette and Paul’s attendance to the meetings, the CIECA staff could not speak to what happened in those approval meetings. It was mentioned that the Architecture Committee added new Guidelines to their documentation to clarify the sync and not using trademark codes and that we should capture this type of thing before QA. Also reassured that these Architecture Committee Code list changes were not set in stone, that the announcement was sent to All CIECA committee’s to get feedback and concerns on the changes.

      • The LKQ for Like Kind and Quality is a trademarked code. The code for LKQ is PAL and the LKQ is not used as a code, but referenced in the description.

      • The new code proposed for ROE does not represent the established code in ARA.

      • CIECA codes had guidelines for creating codes and the new code proposal was created with those guidelines in mind.

      • The CIECA codes are machine codes and not representation of what the actual codes that users see, but it is understood that we need to keep proper representation.

      • A Doodle Meeting schedule poll will be sent to the Architecture and Recycle Parts and Inventory Committees to determine the best date and time for the committees to get together to discuss the deprecation of ROE Code.

      • The members present to this meeting will meet to discuss the trademark codes and determine if there is another proposal that may be better in line with CIECA Architecture Guidelines to be able to have another option to discuss.

  • CIECAST -Preparing for the EV Revolution discussion

    • The members that were in attendance for the CIECAST was not surprised by the information that they heard in the CIECAST because they have been very involved in this topic for the last two years.

      • It was a good presentation and it was good to hear that all segments of the industry to agree that we must all work together.

      • Would like to review the Battery and EV itself relationship? If a battery is destroyed does that make the EV totaled or can it get a new battery?

      • Can the parts of a total loss or new terminology ‘Unsupported’ EV car be used in other cars, or do all the parts become unsupported.

        • What does unsupported mean? Can we continue to have use parts of an EV that is unsupported, can other industry buy and support unsupportive vehicles, battery, parts?

      • We see a number of OE’s pairing with Insurance or supplying their own insurance.

      • The rights of the ‘DATA’ belong to the Vehicle Owner or the Lessee and can only be used with their approval or it can be court ordered.

      • Has the definition of an OE changed? Now that we have Tesla and Rivian being Tech Companies and not Auto Companies, does that change the definition?

      • OE Procedures is Key

      • New Definition of Unsupported Car?

      • After the End of Life for an EV car, will they go to Salvage?

      • Will EV vehicles only be repaired with OE New parts?

  • Recycled Parts and Inventory Moving Forward

    • There is work for this committee to do, we know that data aggregates and messages will be changing with EV technology. We will have new terminology as well.

    • The concern is that people are not attending the Recycled Parts and Inventory Committee meetings from other segments of the industry.

      • CIECA is kicking off a committee relaunch to try to get members more active and other committees started back up. The only Standards committees that are active are the Architecture and Recycled Parts and Inventory. CIECA staff feels that we need to get more member involvement. The CAPIS project and creating JSON messages will get more members and committees to start back up. Also the new Emerging Technologies Data Standards Adhoc Committee will hopefully get all segments of the industry to participate. Items will come out of that committee for the other committees to work on.

      • The Emerging Technology Data Standards Committee Announcement is going out Thursday, January 28. We hope to get lots of request for membership with the announcement.

      • Paulette will update Ginny on the feedback from the Emerging Technology Data Standards committee and we will work on an Agenda for next meeting.

The current solution to pay for roads and bridges is to tax gas, with industry moving to Electric vehicles, will they tax vehicles at purchase or the energy? Great Meeting Everyone.

Up Next

  • Antitrust Agreement and Meeting minutes acceptance

  • Emerging Technology

    • Glossary

    • Documentation

    • Standards

    • Data Aggregates

Action items





  • @Paulette Reed - Facilitator/Scribe

  • Ginny Whelan

  • Paul Barry

  • Don Porter

  • Sandy Blalock

Participants in the meetings are noted for your information.  If you have questions on the committee’s activities, please contact a recent attendee.