2021-04-28 Semi-Annual Meeting notes (Repair Order)


Public Page



   CIECA 500 Westover Dr  #11617; Sanford,  NC  27330 


Apr 28, 2021


As participants in this meeting, we need to be mindful of the constraints of antitrust laws. There shall be no discussions of agreements or concerted actions that may restrain competition. This prohibition includes the exchange of information concerning individual prices, rates, coverages, market practices, claims settlement practices, or any other competitive aspect of an individual company’s operation. Each participant is obligated to speak up immediately for the purpose of preventing any discussion falling outside these bounds.


  • Antitrust

  • Introductions of Chair(s)

    • Jim Puskas – Repair Order

    • Chris Hall – Repair Status and Process

  • Confluence pages

    • links will be in all meeting invites

  • General Discussion on how you use CIECA Repair Messages

  • Brainstorming on any new data or standards that may help your workflow.

Meeting Minutes

  • Antitrust Agreement

  • Last meeting was the Dec 2020 Semi Annual Meeting

  • Introductions between Jim, Chris and Stacey was made before the meeting started.

  • Stacey took a picture of the Committee’s in attendance to announce the new chairs. They were warned, Stacy will make them famous.

  • The Repair Order and Repair Status Committee’s have been in maintenance mode for some time. Both Jim and Chris would like to get these committees active to look at the advancement and changes in the repair order and repair status to get these messages up to date.

    • Survey the past members of the Repair Order and Repair Status committees and present CIECA members to determine how the messages are being used today; what are common areas that cause issues in implementations, has different business flows been adapted, any missing data or new data needed, do the messages need modifications or new messages.

      • Want to look at current issues and have pointed questions as well as generic questions. This will allow for the audience to reflect on the pointed questions and may help identify other areas of concern.

        • Any current Design flaws

        • What can we do better? Architecture Committee has been looking at the complexity of the messages and the aggregates that make the BMS so large and complicated. We know that we need to have more specific and smaller messages with the OpenAPI approach.

    • Activate committee

      • CIECA has informed committees that when the new OpenAPI Standards are available, that we would think most committees would want to become active to work on the OpenAPI standards for their committee. At this time; the Architecture committee is working on these standards and looking at the Simple Types and Common Aggregates. The decision to move forward using the latest version of OpenAPI and JSON was just made yesterday, so that changes the tools and some of the standards that have been made to this point. Once Architecture has completed a cycle and has used the OpenAPI standards to develop the FNOL OpenAPI messages, the standards will be released to all committees to start development. Committee’s can activate prior to this to start looking into current gaps and trends.

      • The notification from this Semi Annual meeting and the announcement of new chairs, will hopefully spark interest in to committee members.

      • The Survey will be used to spark more interest to committee members. After the Survey is sent out, we will schedule a meeting to discuss the findings and determine in that meeting how often the committee(s) will meet.

    • The Repair Order and Repair Status Committee’s are separate committee’s

      • Is there a need to keep the committee’s separate or could we combine the committees.

      • When we have more members in the committees we can determine if the same industry segments and members are shared or unique.

    • Determine Committee(s) Success

      • When the Committees are meeting we can review the Charter and Business Plans and determine if these need to be updated and determine a way to track the success of the committee.

      • We will look at the current workflows and hopefully be able to identify gaps.

      • Review details of messages and determine complications.

    • CIECA Board represents more of the business side of the Collision Industry, where are Architecture committee represents more technical side of the collision industry.

      • It would be nice if we had an area where the Technical group could collaborate on new standards and questions on existing standards.

        • Where does Technical groups get information on new technologies?

          • Stack Overflow concept may be something we can look at, or at least look into creating something similar for people to share technical ideas for CIECA.

      • CONNEX is going to have technical sessions; it would be nice for companies to invite technical resources to help build relationships through the technical community that uses CIECA.

Great Meeting Everyone and Thank you for your participation and continued support of CIECA.

Up Next

  • Send out the Survey

  • Reach out to industry members and business partners to become members of Repair Order and Repair Status.

  • Set up Next meeting to discuss Survey results.

Action items




  • Jim Puskas

  • Chris Hall

  • Kim DeVallance-Caron

  • Paul Barry

  • Stacy Phillips

  • Paulette Reed




Participants in the meetings are noted for your information.  If you have questions on the committee’s activities, please contact a recent attendee.