Public Page

2022-10-14 Meeting notes


Public Page


   CIECA 500 Westover Dr  #11617; Sanford,  NC  27330 


Oct 14, 2022


As participants in this meeting, we need to be mindful of the constraints of antitrust laws. There shall be no discussions of agreements or concerted actions that may restrain competition. This prohibition includes the exchange of information concerning individual prices, rates, coverages, market practices, claims settlement practices, or any other competitive aspect of an individual company’s operation. Each participant is obligated to speak up immediately for the purpose of preventing any discussion falling outside these bounds.



Meeting Minutes

  • Paul shared the powerpoint presentation

    • Financials are in good shape with revenue exceeding expenses YTD by $70k

    • CONNEX Conference was a financial success.

      • Revenues exeeded budget by 34%

      • Expenses were below budget 10% due in part to a negotiated reduction in the hotel bill due to poor hotel performance.

      • AV Expenses were well below previous years although the quality of AV equipment was also well below the quality of previous years

      • We achieved a $25k profit from the CONNEX conference

        • Sponsorships were up significantly 20 sponsors compared to a target of 15.

        • Registrations and attendance were strong with a total of 118 attendees (target was 85).

    • 2021 Financial Review is underway. Paul has uploaded all the requested documents to the accountants. Awaiting review by auditor.

    • Unidentified Debit charge: There is an unindentified debit charge on an unused debit card. Account has been locked and Paul will follow up with bank to dispute charge.

    • Buget: We will begin work on the 2023 budget in November. Zoho Books has a budget tool that greatly simplifies the process.

    • Account Balances: The balance of our primary checking account has grown by $80k over the last year. Paul will work with BOA to determine if there are alterative low risk financial tools that might yield a better return than the 0.04% we are currently getting.

Great Meeting Everyone and Thank you for your participation. Have a Great Week!

Up Next

  • Antitrust Agreement and Meeting minutes acceptance

Action items




  • @Paul Barry @Greg Best Jeff Dietrich



  File Modified

PDF File 2022-09 Prelim.pdf

Oct 14, 2022 by Paul Barry

Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation Finance Committee Oct 2022.pptx

Oct 14, 2022 by Paul Barry
Participants in the meetings are noted for your information.  If you have questions on the committee’s activities, please contact a recent attendee.