2024-2-28-Education Meeting notes


   CIECA 500 Westover Dr  #11617; Sanford,  NC  27330 


Feb 28, 2024


As participants in this meeting, we need to be mindful of the constraints of antitrust laws. There shall be no discussions of agreements or concerted actions that may restrain competition. This prohibition includes the exchange of information concerning individual prices, rates, coverages, market practices, claims settlement practices, or any other competitive aspect of an individual company’s operation. Each participant is obligated to speak up immediately for the purpose of preventing any discussion falling outside these bounds.

Chair: Don Porter


Antitrust Statement

  • This meeting is subject to the terms of our anti-trust statement shown above. In addition, this meeting will be recorded. 

  • Review and approval of minutes

  • SCRS Ad

  • CIECA Webinars

  • CONNEX: Overview, Theme and Presenters

Meeting Minutes

  • The antitrust was read and the minutes were approved.

  • SCRS Ad

    • We showed the SCRS ad used last time for the quarterly e-catalog and suggested incorporating a graphic with CIECA’s 30th anniversary. Sandy suggested adding a pop of color to the graphic and will send the graphic ARA used for its 80th anniversary. She suggested incorporating it in all marketing materials used throughout the year.

    • Rav asked about CIECA’s message to collision repair shops looking at the ad. Paul said the majority of people who use CIECA standards are software companies and other companies that want data analytics. Large MSOs are members because they have IT departments. The ad is more of an awareness of what CIECA does. CIECA was formed ut of CIC and we’ve stayed close to shops and hear their input.

    • Rav asked if the vision was to be the Intel inside shop computers so if a shop is licensing software and are members, they understand CIECA has been vetted for the industry.

    • Over the years, we’ve talked about having CIECA stickers for shops saying something like “powered by CIECA.”

    • Paul said that from his perspective, it’s important that the shops understand their data is moving around the industry and if it’s through CIECA BMS or CAPIS, it is been done properly and there are controls in place. EMS is a conflict because it is old and there aren’t the controls in place that we would like but it is CIECA’s legacy standard. AS we move forward, we want to create even better products with CAPIS. We want the shops to be aware there are better tools available than EMS that we want their software providers using.

    • Rav asked if it made sense for the ad to talk about software shops use.

    • Paul suggested we might want to rethink the message we’re sending. In the meantime, Stacey will send Rav a copy of the ad to look over.

    • We decided to move to the next agenda item to make sure we cover CONNEX and then discuss the ad at the end of the meeting.

    • Later in the meeting, we discussed the ad again. Rav asked what a collision repair would take away from the ad. The ad was to educate shops about what CIECA does. Although shops are likely not going to become members, they may want to get involved and connect with business leaders and join a committee. Rav suggested adding a tagline to draw in the audience. eg empowering software and communication for collision repair shops or setting the standards for software and communication for collision repair shops. Rav also suggested adding a reference to being the voice of repair shops – join a committee, so it sounds more inclusive.

    • Paulette suggested adding a reference to 30 years to recognize CIECA’s anniversary.

    • We will take the comments into consideration and reference them for a future ad.


  • CIECA Webinars

    • In March/April, Greg Peeters from Car ADAS Solutions, and Nick Dominato from I-CAR will present about calibration standards. Greg was originally scheduled for March 28 but had a conflict so we will likely plan for April 4.

    • In April, we will also plan a technical webinar following the 2024R1. Paulette said the webinar will include information about the release and a CAPIS update. The release will likely take place on the 17th and then we will have the webinar the following week. In the next couple of weeks, we will discuss whether we want to have an outside speaker.

    • Other speaker options include:

      • Doug Hamilton, American Battery Technology Company who spoke during CONNEX 2023

      • The representatives from Peachtree Corners who spoke during CONNEX 2023

      • Bill Brower from Solera was asked if there is a topic the company would like to present on, possibly about AI

      • Transportation Research Center of Ohio is considering presenting

      • Greg Horn may want to share information during a webinar or conference

      • IBIS was working with a company regarding 3D printing and Stacey will follow up

      • OEM(s) talking about telematics. Will follow up with contact.

      • Michael Lasuka from State Farm offered to present. Will follow up to ask about presenting during webinar or CONNEX.

      • Tim Ronak suggested a session on the unauthorized use of auto claims data insurance.

      • Shoploaner asked about presenting about collision shops' use of loaner vehicles. Paul wants to ensure there is a tie to CIECA data integrations. Sandy explained it was a software package. Maybe we can reach out to Enterprise and Hertz to discuss the state of rental. Rav mentioned there may be an integration with CCC or another provider that uses CIECA Standards. Stacey will reach out to learn more how they use CIECA Standards. Greg mentioned there might be a concern if there is not enough content from Shoploaner for a webinar but likes the idea of asking Enterprise and Hertz to share a perspective as well.

  • CONNEX Overview

    • This year, the conference is going to be held at the MGM Grand Detroit in Detroit, MI, September 24&25. Paul signed the contract with the hotel this morning.

    • The tour will be held at the American Center for Mobility about 30 minutes away. It’s a 500-acre proving advanced mobility proving ground that conducts testing. We’ll talk about about the tour at a later date.

    • A “Save the Date” announcement was sent out, which included a call for speakers and sponsors.

    • Paul explained this year’s three-tier sponsorship program (Silver, Gold and Platinum), which include the opportunity to sponsor one of the receptions, breakfast or lunch. Those interested can contact Paul directly for more information.

    • Bill Garoutte will emcee the event again this year.

  • CONNEX Theme

    • Paul compiled a spreadsheet of prior themes which was already shared with the committee.

    • Paul created graphics with the theme of “The Intersection of Data & Mobility.” Greg liked the first one and the second to last one. Sandy agreed and said it really pops. Paulette said it was her favorite too. Rav asked about the image that comes to mind when you think of the collision industry and if the backgrounds depict data and mobility, which is the theme. Paul said the ad was playing off the tour taking place at the American Center for Mobility. Stacey suggested adding a logo. Rav suggested checking the font to ensure it is the same throughout and Paul said it is. Stacey asked if the circles in the one ad can be toned down and said the ad with the green popped. Paul said he can dim any of the backgrounds. We decided to send out the graphics for the committee to look over and vote on so a decision can be made by the following Monday. Paulette suggested sending out the two favorites instead of all of them. Rav asked if Detroit’s skyline was used as a background. Paul said it was one of the Adobe stock photos and it was chosen so we ensure we have legal permission to use it.

  • CONNEX Presenters Possibilities

    • Ginny suggested Emil Nussbaum, Vice President of Strategy, Government and Regulatory Affairs at ARA. Sandy said he is a subject matter expert on EVs and a deep understanding of the industry.

    • American Center for Mobility will provide one or two speakers.

    • Tara at the Partners for Automated Vehicle Education (PAVE)

    • OEM panel discussing autonomous vehicles

    • Transportation Research Center representative

    • Linda at Argonne National Labs; Sandy said Linda is highly engaged on EVs

    • Incorporate the recycling side of the industry. Sandy said the industry successfully processes vehicles and have never taken federal funding to do it. She said they are all independent businesses that operate on the free market and probably one of the only carbon negative industries.

    • Include a presentation/panel on AI. Two years ago, we had six speakers talk about AI so last year we weaved it into other presentations. With AI’s current developments, we will likely cover it this year.

    • EVs and hybrids

    • Jeff Wildman suggested having Michigan Department of Transportation representative talk about the grid, energy and charging stations.

    • Jay Perry from Allied Coaching could personalize a presentation on leadership in the industry in light of the technological changes taking place.

    • Carl Dumele from Aeromotive Services submitted an idea to speak on evaluating wire damage: repair vs replace. Initially, it was felt that was more of a CIC presentation.

    • Kimberly Eubank submitted topic: Ready For Change™ - How to get your organization clear, ready, and aligned around transformational change. She typically charges a fee but would speak in lieu of video footage.

    • Scott Lesnick, a global leadership speaker, reached out but is a paid speaker.

Great meeting everyone. Thank you for your participation. Have a great week!

Up Next

  • Antitrust Agreement and Meeting minutes acceptance

Action items


