As participants in this meeting, we need to be mindful of the constraints of antitrust laws. There shall be no discussions of agreements or concerted actions that may restrain competition. This prohibition includes the exchange of information concerning individual prices, rates, coverages, market practices, claims settlement practices, or any other competitive aspect of an individual company’s operation. Each participant is obligated to speak up immediately for the purpose of preventing any discussion falling outside these bounds.
Chair: Don Porter
Antitrust Statement
This meeting is subject to the terms of our anti-trust statement shown above. In addition, this meeting will be recorded.
Review and approval of minutes
CIECA Webinars 2025
Theme & Speakers
Marketing Focus
The antitrust was read and the minutes were approved.
CIECA Webinars 2025:
It was determined by executive committee and board that we will have six webinars in 2025, four business focused and two technical. Rav asked if there are specific goals for the webinars regarding minimum attendance. Paul said the goal is to increase attendance and rather than having more smaller attended meetings, we decided to have fewer meetings that might have more of an impact. With November, December and the holidays, we didn’t have as many attend. The goal is to have 100-300 for each webinar.
Feb. 6: State of the Industry, Greg Horn, PartsTrader, over 200 registered so far, media list has been updated with new magazine editors and new publications shared by board. Used Facebook event to invite followers to attend webinar
March 27?: 3D printing in collision repair, Mario Dimovski, Boyd Group; Harold Sears, Auto Additive; and Gerald Poirer, Vector Squared (providing insurance perspective). Rav raised concerns about the 3D panel discussion webinar attracting a large audience, not due to the speakers but whether the topic touches some aspects of the industry.
April: EV battery technology/safety, Tiffiany Moehring & Dan Lieber, American Battery Technology Company
AI in the Customer Experience, Rav Mendiratta, Propel and SocioSquares; Bill Brower, Solera; Mark Fincher, CCC; and Abhijeet Gulati, Mitchell
CONNEX 2025:
Regarding the tour, we had talked to Jake at Lucid but it didn’t sound like we would be able to have the tour there in 2025. BMW was a possibility but it might have an unexpected closure. Nissan in TN has tours and Stacey has reached out to find out more.
Brady suggested having the meeting in Franklin or Cool Springs. It’s about 20 minutes outside of the downtown area but closer to Symrna where the Nissan plant is. Bill and Mark thought Nashville would be a good location for the conference.
KIA had offered to have us tour their facility but it was over an hour from the Atlanta airport.
IIHS is also an option.
Marketing Initiatives for 2025:
Stacey is going to focus on LinkedIn newsletter feature, growing YouTube channel and continue to grow CRM.
?? Great meeting everyone. Thank you for your participation. Have a great week!
Up Next
Antitrust Agreement and Meeting minutes acceptance
Participants in the meetings are noted for your information. If you have questions on the committee’s activities, please contact a recent attendee.