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Titling |
The Motor Titling Committee was created when Insurance adjusters across the country are calling lien holders to obtain lien pay off balances and chasing owners for title signatures or power of attorneys’. Automating this process to send an electronic communication and accept electronic signatures to/from the lien holders/owners, would lead to a more efficient process for all parties involved.
CIECA aligned the CIECA Standards Development Committees with the CIECA Products. The Motor Titling Committee was renamed Titling Committee.
CIECA’s Titling Committee’s goal is to develop and maintain messaging standards and codes aimed at reducing processing time and errors in the lien release process. Standards will benefit lienholders, insurers, and vehicle owners in expediting lien releases on total loss vehicles.
All business needs will be identified to enable the lien release process to move electronically between parties. Having standards allows the resolution of issues surrounding the lien release process, allows for accurate and timely transfer of funds, and reduces the need for multiple personal contacts.
Consumers demand a more timely and efficient process, and setting standards is the first step toward this goal.
👥 Industry Segments
Data Recipients
Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV)
DMV Interface Companies
Electronic Document/Signature Companies
Information Provider
Salvage Buyers
Salvage Provider
Salvage Vendors/Salvors
Title Clearinghouse Companies/Third Party Administrators
Title Warehousing Companies
Vehicle Owners
Vehicle Resale Providers
Meet the team
If you have questions on the committee’s activities, please contact a recent attendee. If there is no date in column 1, they have not participated.
Chair(s): Ginny Whelan
Name | Affiliation | Industry Segment | Last Attended |