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   CIECA 500 Westover Dr  #11617; Sanford,  NC  27330 




As participants in this meeting, we need to be mindful of the constraints of antitrust laws. There shall be no discussions of agreements or concerted actions that may restrain competition. This prohibition includes the exchange of information concerning individual prices, rates, coverages, market practices, claims settlement practices, or any other competitive aspect of an individual company’s operation. Each participant is obligated to speak up immediately for the purpose of preventing any discussion falling outside these bounds.

Chair: Don Porter


Antitrust Statement

  • This meeting is subject to the terms of our anti-trust statement shown above. In addition, this meeting will be recorded. 

  • Review and approval of minutes

  • CIECA Webinars


    • Agenda/Confirmed Speakers

    • Potential Speakers/Panels

    • Sponsors

    • List of things to do in area

    • Marketing

Meeting Minutes

  • The antitrust was read and the minutes were approved.

  • CIECA Webinars: We’ve had good success booking webinars since our last meeting.

    • April: The Architecture Committee will be giving provided an update on CAPIS. Speakers include Architecture Chair Dan Webster, Enlyte; Andy Bober from Entegral; and Jeff Schroder and Mike Hastings from Paul and Paulette are working with the speakers to prepare the presentation.

    • We started off the year really strong with webinar presenters and then we had one cancel and some of the other presenters are going to take part in CONNEX instead, which left some openings to fill.

    • Pete Tagliapietra from DataTouch offered to Over 100 people registered and Paul said that about 60 attended, which was good for a technical webinar. He said Dan did a great job.

    • May 30: Rav Mendiratta from Propel and Socio Squares will be sharing information about the fundamentals of AI, large language models and how they impact the industry. The press release will be going out on 5/2.

    • June: Pete Tagliapietra from DataTouch will present on data privacy and security.

    • Reached out to CCC about having them present about their Crash Course findings. Bart Mazurek may present.

    • We talked to Rav Gaurav from Propel about presenting about AI fundamentals. He is tentatively scheduled on May 16. Rav leads AI workshops for small business owners.

    • Nick Dominato from I-CAR agreed to present but no data has been set yet.

    • July: Arif Rafiq has offered to present on data usage and we’re going to set up a meeting to discuss the topic.

    • Others on the list of possibilities that have been reached out to include Doug Hamilton from the American Battery Technology Company, representatives from August: A representative from the Curiosity Lab in Peachtree Corners, Solera, and the Transportation Research Center in Ohio.

    • We’ve talked to Joshua Thompson from GM Financial regarding sharing information about OnStar and he asked us to wait a month until some legal issues about sharing information are resolved.

    • We met with Michael Lastuka, the OEM automotive industry liasion from State Farm and he was going to find out if he or Chris Evans might be available.

    • OEMs: we’ve reached out to representatives from Stellantis, Mercedes-Benz, GM, Audi and BMW.

    • We met with Ronald Trozzo from Tesla and he seemed interested in presenting and was going to reach out for permission.

    • Jeff Wildman had suggested topics regarding AR/VR, 3D printing and EV battery materials and we’ve reached out to talk to him about the contacts for all three.

    • Pat Blech at OEC seemed interested in presenting.

    • Linda Gaines from Argonne National Lab has been contacted to present about some of the research she is doing regarding battery materials.

    • The PR firm for Opus IVS reached out with some information about EV collision claims and I asked if someone might want to present during a webinar. They suggested Frank Terlep might be available. I explained that we have a good relationship with him and would typically reach out directly.

    • Rav reached out to the VP at AutoZone to ask if he might be interested in presenting about AI. He leads the commercial side of the business. We let Rav know that we would be happy to set up a meeting with him if it’s helpful.

  • CONNEX Overview

    • Theme: Intersection of Data & Mobility

    • Date: September 24 & 25

    • Hotel: MGM Grand Detroit in Detroit, MI

    • Tour: American Center of Mobility

    • Emcee: Bill Garroutte

  • CONNEX Sponsors

    • With the new sponsorship model this year, we have two platinum sponsors, OEC and IAA, and one gold sponsor,

  • CONNEX Agenda

    • We discussed the number of speakers we should have during the conference. Don asked how many minutes we are planning for presentations and Paul said it’s typically 40-45 minutes. Don suggested reducing the speaking time and having 30-minute breaks in the morning and afternoon and maybe an hour and a half at lunch. Jeff agreed and said it gives time to get something to drink or go to the restroom and still have time for networking. Kim thought we had time for networking with the schedule last year.

  • CONNEX Speakers

    • Confirmed speakers include:

      • Greg Horn, PartsTrader, will provide an industry update.

      • American Center for Mobility will provide one or two speakers.

      • Emil Nusbaum, Vice President of Strategy, Government and Regulatory Affairs at ARA will discuss EVs, hybrids and batteries.

      • Richard Mueller, DTE Energy, will talk about the how EVs will impact the grid.

      • Michael Anderson, Guidewire, will participate in a panel discussion focused on Digital Claims.

      • Paul Barry will present on The Anatomy of an API

      • We’re still trying to confirm a meeting with Harold Sears and Mario Dimovski who we asked to talk about the 3D Printing Auto Repair Task Force and 3D printing initiatives taking place in automotive.

      • We asked Michael Giarrizzo from DCR Systems, a CIECA member company, to be part of a panel discussion with an OEM and insurer. His company developed a digital claims portal and he is one of the more progressive collision repair businesses in the industry.

    • Potential speakers:

      • We had several submissions from paid speakers. Details can be found in the minutes.

      • Tara at the Partners for Automated Vehicle Education (PAVE) believes she has a prior commitment but will confirm.

      • OEMs

        • Chris Wallace, Ford

        • Ronald Trozzo, Tesla

        • John Eck, GM

        • Benito Cid, Mercedes-Benz

        • Mark Allen, Audi

        • Mark Buffa and Jeff Bengstrom, Stellantis

        • Marco Sanchez, BMW

      • Ohio Transportation Research Center representative

      • We’ve reached out to Michael Lastuka from State Farm to speak or possibly Chris Evans.

      • Pat Blech, the new head of advanced repair technologies from OEC

      • Kims shared two contacts from Duck Creek and they are interested in learning about about the conference and potentially speaking.

      • Kim talked to Jeff Lauman at Enterprise about sharing information about AI and he is able to present. She has heard him present to multiple groups about AI and she said he does a great job explaining what it is. Kim will set up a time for us to meet over the next couple of weeks. Rav was interested in what he will talking about since he will also share information about AI during the May webinar.

      • Jeff suggested having one of their color designers, Liz, talk about automotive color trends and how they might impact radar and Lidar issues. She is based in Michigan. He was also going to share a contact about EV battery materials. Since BASF is located in Michigan, we suggested having one presentation during CONNEX where BASF is able to share some of the initiatives they are taking in different areas (3D printing, EV battery materials, the impact of colors on radar and lidar, and AR/VR)

      • Linda Gaines at Argonne National Labs might be available to share information about EV battery materials.

      • LexisNexis has been contacted again about presenting.

      • AI: Rav looked into possible AI presenters and his contacts were outside of the collision space, including a contact at AutoZone. He researched some companies in the collision industry, including Marcel Horstmann from Tractable and Summit Chauhan from Cerebrum X who spoke during a CIECA Webinar. We invited Rav to set up a meeting to discuss his background in AI. Kim suggested a speaker who can provide an overview of AI and will reach out. Paul would like us to share information about how AI works rather than the implementation of it.

      • Paul said one of the goals of the conference is to try and bridge the gap between business and technical people. He said it would be good to have a couple of sessions tackling a technical subject in layman’s terms.

      • Jeff said he has a BASF contact who might be able to discuss EV battery materials in Detroit.

    • Possible topics:

    • AI

    • EVs and hybrids/batteries

    • OEM insurance/telematics-we can ask board next week

    • OEM panel

    • Data privacy-Rav suggested that Tesla and/or GEICO might be able to share information about driving statistics and data/data privacy. A couple of years ago, he heard an insurance aggregator using past data to provide better rates depending on the miles driven. He said that about six months ago, Tesla opened their APIs. He said data is going to become even more important with EVs. Kelly said that as a consumer she would want reassurance that it’s not going to be used irresponsibly or maliciously

      GA, will present. Seth spoke at last year’s CONNEX conference.

    • September: We typically don’t have a webinar.

    • October: We’ll plan a technical webinar.

    • November & December: We’ll plan a webinar both months because the March speaker canceled. There will be total of 10 this year.


    • Agenda/Confirmed Speakers

      • Paul put together an agenda calculator with a list of times so that we can determine how many speaker slots we still need to fill.

      • Day 1

        • 8-8:15: Opening remarks, Paul Barry and Ashley Denison

        • 8:15-9: Industry update, Greg Horn, PartsTrader

        • 9-9:30: Open

        • 9:30-10: Break

        • 10-10:40: Digital Claims Panel, Michael Anderson, Guidewire. We met with two representatives from Duck Creek who were interested in being part of the panel. Ken Eagleson shared the names of an insurer to be part of the panel.

        • 10:40-11:20: EVs/Batteries, Emil Nusbaum, ARA; Sandy said that he is very knowledgeable and works with government agencies that touch our industry. Petra asked if he would be knowledgeable about sharing ideas from legislators re: recycling batteries.

        • 11:20-12: Electrical grid/EVs, Richard Mueller, DTE Energy

        • 12-1:30: Lunch

        • 1:30-2:15: 3D printing taskforce, Mario Dimovski and Harold Sears. We have a meeting with them after the Education Committee meeting.

        • 2:15-3: MSO trends, Jamie Shackleford, Caliber

        • 3-3:30: Break

        • 3:30-4:15: AI fundamentals, Jeff Lauman, Enterprise

        • 4:15-5: Industry panel, Michael Giarrizzo, DCR Systems, insurer (possibly Michael Lastuka from State Farm) and OEM; Possibly

        • 5-6: NABC Recycled Rides gifting, Don asked if State Farm was committed to giving away a vehicle and we realized that notation was from last year.

        • 6-8: Reception

      • Day 2

        • 8-8:30: Data Exchange for non-IT people, Paul Barry, CIECA

        • 8:30-9: OEM panel; we have Ford, KIA and Stellantis interested.

        • 9-9:40: We talked about either having the information providers or 2-3 tech companies talk about the future of data integration. Rav said as a smaller provider, he would appreciate hearing from other smaller providers. They could address the problems they have working in the industry. He said the broader theme could be understanding the collision ecosystem. Paulette said it would be good to tie it into CIECA standards and how the different stakeholders use the standards and talk about implementations. They could also talk about the issues they run into. Stacey suggested having a few shorter 15-20-minute standalone presentations rather than a panel. Paulette said they could talk about their experiences and share insight. Don liked the idea. Paul said he appreciates everyone’s perspective. Rav said we could talk about how the ecosystem has evolved over the last decade. Stacey said we could have three speakers, a longer-term member, a newer member and one in between. Paul said the challenge with long-term members is that many have built their integrations years ago and if everything is working, they may not have as much to contribute. Maybe we should ask newer members who have joined CIECA within the last two years and done an integration. Don said it would be fun to listen to what it is like to integrate with another CIECA member and the issues/problems. Paul said it’s a good thought. Don liked having two or three newer members present.

        • 9:40-10:10: Break

        • 10:10-10:30: CAPIS update, Paulette Reed, CIECA

        • 10:30-11:15: Open

        • 11:15-11:45: Open

        • 11:45-12:15: American Center for Mobility

        • 12:15: Lunch

        • Tour of American Center for Mobility

    • Potential Speakers/Panels

      • OEMs: We’ve reached out to Ford, Stellantis, KIA, Tesla, GM, Mercedes-Benz, Audi and BMW

      • Digital Claims Panel: We shared information earlier

      • Information providers/technology: We shared information earlier

      • Pat Blech, OEC was interested in possibly presenting during a webinar or CONNEX

      • Joshua Thomsen, GM Financial, we’ve talked to for a couple of years and is checking to see if he can present

      • Jeff Wildman from BASF suggested speaker talk about AR/VR. He also suggested a speaker focused on EV battery materials and color selection

      • Ken Eagleson suggested Gary Hallgren from Arity talk about identifying driving behavior in post-COVID

      • EV battery materials: Linda Gaines, Argonne National Labs, and Jeff Wildman’s BASF contact

      • We met with Adonne Washington from the Future of Privacy Forum about speaking but she is presenting in CA the day before our conference. Her family is in Michigan so she might be able to present.

      • Stacey met with Mike Muller from SEMA Garage Detroit. He and his colleague are not available but they have another colleague, Gigi, who might be able to present but they weren’t sure of the topic.

      • Don said that Ford reported that it lost $132,000 for each of the 10,000 vehicles it sold in the first three months of the year. He also mentioned used car values for EVs and wondered if a full EV will make it in the future of if there will be more of focus on hybrids. Stacey said we might be able to include that information in the OEM panel. Petra said it can be a tricky subject. Don suggested having someone talk about EV trends and where the market is going. Maybe Greg Horn can address EV trends and the used car market.

      • Looking at the overall agenda, we discussed whether we have enough representation on the insurance side.

      • Petra asked if we have a presentation on AI. We do have Jeff Lauman from Enterprise talking about the fundamentals of AI, which was a recommendation from Kim. Don said that Tractable and GEICO are working together and maybe someone from GEICO can share information.

      • Ashley Denison, CIECA’s chair, had recommended a representative from Microsoft/Porsche and she was going to reach out.

      • We received a submission from Elie Lloyd at Trueclaim AI from Quebec to talk about how AI disrupts the collision industry. He is a new CIECA member and maybe he can talk about technology and integrations.

      • Petra said she likes the shortness of the presentations

      • Rav said he had suggested a speaker from Autozone who leads the ecommerce side of the business and wanted to know if he should follow up. he said the speaker has a lot of case studies using AI from a parts standpoint. Petra said it sounded interesting from a consumer perspective. Rav said it sounds like we have a lot of prospects and we will wait for now.

      • Paul said we only have a few empty slots and we want to make sure we don’t overload the agenda and have to cram people in like the last few years. He suggested moving cautiously.

    • Sponsors

      • We have two platinum sponsors, two gold and two silver. Sandy said that ARA will sponsor this year.

    • We want to compile a list of things to do in area and post on website.

    • For the next meeting, we want to discuss marketing initiatives and CIECA’s 30th anniversary this year.

?? Great meeting everyone. Thank you for your participation. Have a great week!

Up Next

  • Antitrust Agreement and Meeting minutes acceptance

Action items

  • Stacey will reach out to Pete for ideas on other speakers who might be able to share information about data privacy.

  • Paul invited the committee to reach out with other speaker suggestions.

